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‘Winter Stations’ in the ‘Beach’ neighbourhood of Toronto

The above link is photos from the interactive public art installations ‘Winter Stations’ that happens every year on the beach along Lake Ontario in the ‘Beach’ neighbourhood in Toronto. These interactive art installations change every year and appear for a short time during the Winter. I like that this encourages public enjoyment of the beach at a time when the weather normally makes it an abandoned and desolate place
The link above is from ‘Nuit Blanche Toronto’. As part of an international project in cities across the world, Toronto is just one of the cities that come alive for one night with interactive public art throughout the city and people out all night enjoying it. I love the open inclusive atmosphere and the willingness of the public to try and experience new artistic things with other members of the public.

  • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by lindatheron.