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  • in reply to: [Practice] Analyse your spectator experience #10743

    Hello to all,

    I saw the memorable piece ‘Intimate Safari’ by the Opera Pagaï in ‘Les Rencontres d’Arlès 2013’. Through different windows of the neighborhood, the viewer can observe the routine of the ordinary (or the extraordinary) of our private lives. The people inside the houses become the scene of these intimate scenes, the idea behind it’s ​​like a city safari, as if a society we were human reserves with behaviors not so different from animals. With a duration from one hour to two hours, this walk-show is rewritten each time according to the different places and the different participants. Mixing fiction and reality, I was amazed as I couldn’t be sure I was witnessing a performance or the reality of daily life, experimenting the ambiguity between the true and the false. By shifting the gaze towards the private, I totally felt voyeristic, even though I liked the transgression. At the time I didn’t realize the imposture, so afterwards I felt this piece is full of humor and impertinence, reminding me to keep my eyes open.


    in reply to: Defining public space #9561

    Hello all, I have a dilema, do you consider a shopping mall a public space? I’ve seen in the quiz that also is the right answer. But I ask to myself: shopping malls are usually privately owned, with private security (like night clubs), so, If I perform and the security person decides to quick me out (for example), using aggression, would it be the same as if public police in public space do an aggression towards my physicality? In a night club for example, the security company reserves the right to refuse admission. For example, they can be extremely racist and not let in a Muslim partner (‘reserving the right of admission’) without claiming any important reason. But I think that in the public space, when the police have certain behaviors, of aggression, of racism, I understand that I can face it otherwise through the Judicial System, as they are ‘public servants’, public officials, they can’t have the same behavior as a private security company. And that implies where they are located, for me is not the same to be located in the street that inside a shopping mall. I’m not sure if I’m expressing myself clearly, but just would love to share that thought, I think is relevant 🙂 Best wishes!

    in reply to: Defining public space #8694

    I would define as a public space the street and a square. My criteria to choose them is that they refer to places where everybody can enter in and out, without entrance, without paying a ticket, without a key, without a border (in theory, because the migrants find the borders much before arriving to a new city). It’s a place where the group can meet, creating a sense of community, even more in the special times of local celebrations, bonding with each other. It is also a place for human circulation, which is what I think we’re questioning as street artists, as we use the public space in terms of free creativity instead of merely walk up and down. The circulation is what we’re supposed to do in public space following the authorities (police, etc.), not stopping to talk to unknown people. Just the opposite of what I expect and think about public space.

    in reply to: Share your inspirations! #8557

    Great manifesto!! thanks for sharing!!!
    Oooooo mistake, this reply was for the message before! sorry for caos, I will get used to it!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by dianacoca.
    in reply to: Share your inspirations! #8554

    Hi all!

    This is Diana Coca from Mallorca (living in Cataluña), great meeting you online! Here is a bit more about myself if you are curious about it, https://vimeo.com/user48975560, https://diana-coca.com But anyway, some of my favorite works on public space are done by Mexican artists, I admire them a lot by working in a difficult context of violence, they are a big and intense inspiration for my work.

    1) Mónica Mayer, ‘El tendedero (The clothesline)’, reenacted many times over the years in different cities across America. This work is about women harassment in public space and transport in Mexico City. The micro-stories of street harassment are collected in the ‘clothesline’. Each person writes their experience on paper, hanging them as if they were clothes. After living in Mexico for many years, I can relate and feel total empathy for this work:

    2) Rocío Bolíver / La Conjelada De Uva (2012), Tijuana / San Diego. The Frozen Grape swung with a 10 m crane, flying over the border to the USA, showing them their asses and farting. It’s just hilarious and really funny way of dealing with this huge humanitarian problem with borders between the northern and southern hemisphere:

    3) Lorena Wolffer, Soy totalmente de hierro (I’m totally iron)’ (2000), Mexico City, in collaboration with Martín Vargas & Mónica Martínez. Through ten billboards placed in different parts of the city, this counter campaign sought to question and answer the female stereotypical representations adopted by the advertising campaign ‘I am Totally Palacio (I am Totally Palace)’ – from the departmental store ‘El Palacio de Hierro (The Iron Palace’)’ – and by many others that break into the urban environment. The works used antagonistic rhetoric and opposed to those used in ‘Soy Totally Palacio (Soy Totally Palace)’, thus generating an alternate “advertising” space that invited the analysis of the intricate ways in which society — through one of its most forceful and revealing means – build and manipulate our notions of femininity. Text by Lorena Wolffer in her web: https://www.lorenawolffer.net/01obra/08sth/sth_frames.html

    /Users/dianacoca/Desktop/el problema es que pienses que mi cuerpo te pertecene lorena wolffer.jpg


    /Users/dianacoca/Desktop/lo curioso es que creas que puedes controlar mi imagen lorena wolffer.jpg

    /Users/dianacoca/Desktop/quien te enseña como ser mujer lorena wolffer.jpg

    This images are from the original campaign from ‘Palacio de Hierro’:

    /Users/dianacoca/Desktop/Blogg 1.jpg

    /Users/dianacoca/Desktop/Blogg 5.jpg

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by dianacoca. Reason: I don't know how to update images and videos properly
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