I’m Sandra Bendelow and I’m an Arts Producer and Festival Manager at Beyond the Border Storytelling Festival, I’m also a scriptwriter and teach scriptwriting. At the festival we have been looking at how to work with our amazing new site at National Trust Dinefwr including the Wildlife trust woodland and Dinefwr Castle. generally I am interested in creating art in public spaces, based in Aberystwyth, the potential of creating work in the landscape is of huge interest to me. I have watched lots of site specific work through the years and been inspired by the scale of projects like Mark Rees Now the Hero to work with a community and build a project responsive to that community but on an epic scale, but also the impact of art installations like Alice Briggs A Place where one lies which has placed a Care Home Room in various public settings and also placed a Care Home Bed in the landscape, and effectively created something extremely powerful with an art installation in the landscape.
Alice Briggs A Plae where one Lies