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Self-assessment exercise

These questions are designed to help you analyse your practices associated with the issues linked to cultural rights in your past or future actions, and invite you to reflect on the definition of culture as set out in Article 2* of the Fribourg Declaration and the 8 associated rights**.

*The term “culture” covers the values, beliefs, convictions, languages, knowledge and the arts, traditions, institutions and ways of life through which a person or a group expresses their humanity and the meaning they give to their existence and development.

**The 8 cultural rights of the Fribourg Declaration: right to identity (Art. 3a), right to diversity (Art. 3b), right to heritage (Art. 3c), right to community (Art. 4), right to participation (Art. 5), right to education (Art. 6), right to information (Art. 7), right to cooperation (Art. 8)

Be careful: once your response is submitted, it will not be possible to retrieve it. We recommend working on a saved text document on your computer.